Yesterday was Tuesday March 11, 2025
EDITION #1305 This issue 5ยข
This is day 71 of 2025

Did You Know

  • During World War II, Uncle Bens was the exclusive supplier of rice to the U.S. Armed Forces.

  • A person infected with the SARS virus has a 95% - 98% chance of recovery.

  • Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined.

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  • All babies are color blind when they are born.

  • A person infected with the SARS virus has a 95% - 98% chance of recovery.

  • About twenty-five percent of the population will sneeze when they are exposed to light.


The Vicar is on vacation. Massages can be given to the Church Secretary.

Filed Under: Church Notices

The Senior Choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning, to join the Choir.

Filed Under: Church Notices

Sign seen at a Hair Salon: We curl up and dye for you.

Filed Under: Signs

Fun Book Titles

  • Peek-a-Boo!
    - by I. C. Hugh

  • My Years in a Lunatic Asylum
    - by I. M. Nutty

  • All Aboard!
    - by Abel Seamann

  • Neck Exercises
    - by G. Rarff

  • The Barber of Seville
    - by Aaron Floor

View More: Book Titles

Good Question

  • Why do you need a drivers license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?

  • Why does an inspiring sight like a sunrise always have to take place at such an inconvenient time?

  • How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

Filed Under: Good Question

World Firsts

  • Edward of Caernarion, later Edward II, becomes the 1st Prince of Wales.

    Monday February 7, 1301

  • Filed Under: → Miscellaneous

  • The first Guernsey Cattle Club organizes in New York City.

    Wednesday February 7, 1877

  • Filed Under: → Business & Industry

  • Astronomical Society of Pacific holds its 1st meeting in San Francisco.

    Thursday February 7, 1889

  • Filed Under: → Science


  • Relatives of a 91-year-old Ohio woman who died this week are giving her the last word with a sassy, occasionally profane obituary that starts with the basics, "I was born. I lived. I died.", and instructs people to "Wait the appropriate amount of time" before trying to claim her stuff.

    They wrote it in Jean Oddi's perspective, recapping the people important to her, adventures she had and her favorite activities, including playing cards and teaching her granddaughter "dirty songs".

    Thursday February 23, 2017

  • Filed Under: → Deaths

  • The man known as the 'Crocodile Hunter' died after his chest was punctured by a stingray barb while diving off Australia's northeast coast. The 44 year-old colourful personality was filming a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef when tragedy struck.

    According to friend and colleague, John Stainton, Steve Irwin swam too close to the ray while he was diving off his boat "Croc One" near Batt Reef, northeast of Port Douglas.

    Monday September 4, 2006

  • Filed Under: → Deaths

  • A father and son in Alabama were killed when they crashed into each other in a head-on collision. Jeffrey Morris Brasher and his son Austin Blaine Brasher of Bankston, Alabama, died early Saturday morning.

    Jeffrey Brasher was driving a 2006 Ford pickup and his son was driving a 2004 Chevrolet truck when they collided on a highway head-on, said Alabama State Trooper Jonathon Appling.

    Saturday February 18, 2017

  • Filed Under: → Deaths

  • When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.
    - Albanian Proverb

  • It takes a village to raise a child.
    - African Proverb

  • Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.
    - African Proverb

World Firsts

  • Astronomical Society of Pacific holds its 1st meeting in San Francisco.

    Thursday February 7, 1889

  • Filed Under: → Science

  • The first storm warnings for ships was issued by English Admiral, Robert Ritzroy.

    Wednesday February 6, 1861

  • Filed Under: → Travel Section

  • The 1st solo England to Australia flight takes off piloted by Bert Hinkler.

    Tuesday February 7, 1928

  • Filed Under: → Travel Section

View More: → World Firsts

Wise Words

  • It takes a village to raise a child.
    - African Proverb

  • If you refuse to be made straight when you are wet, you will not be made straight when you are dry.
    - African Proverb

  • Where there is no shame, there is no honor.
    - African Proverb

Filed Under: Wise Words

Good Question

  • What will fall on the lawn first? An autumn leaf or a Christmas catalogue?

  • You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes. Why can't they make the whole plane out of the same material?

  • Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?

Filed Under: → Good Question